2 Day magnification enhanced clinical endodontic workshop with patient work
Level : Basic yet state of the art modern Endodontics
Target audience : Beginners & General dentists
Learning objective : Understanding the basic nuances in every step of Endodontics by incorporating magnification & modern gadgets
Learning outcome : Gain confidence to start Endodontics on patients in your practice right away after the workshop as we train you on patients
Learning methodology
- Session with case videos
- Hands on with extracted teeth
- Full day hands on patient work
- 2 RCT procedures on patients under guidance
Day 1:
9:00 am Registration
9:30 am to 12:30 pm: Lecture & video demonstration of following procedures
- Case selection & diagnosis
- Basics about magnification ( loupes & microscopes )
- Anesthetic techniques in endodontics
- Isolation with rubber dam
- Access cavity preparation
- Modern concepts in rotary instrumentation & irrigation
- 3D obturation
- Core build up technique
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch
1:45pm - 5:00 pm: Hands-on exercises in extracted teeth evaluated using microscope & radiographs
Day 2:
Hands-on 2 RCT procedures on a patient
- One anterior tooth and One posterior tooth - Under guidance